
Cities and Regions Under the Spell of (De-)Globalisation


Cities and Regions under the Spell of

12-14 October 2022, Italian-German Historical Institute, Trento

The conference is hosted by the Bruno Kessler Foundation, as founder of the Italian-German Historical Institute, and organized in collaboration with the Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte in Hamburg.

Since the 1970s, the acceleration of economic and social globalisation processes has significantly changed working and living environments in both urban and rural areas. In the meantime, however, opposite developments have come to the fore in the wake of increasing de-globalisation. In light of this, several experts speak of disconnection phenomena or the emergence of new forms of regionalisation.

In this context, the „LXIII ISIG Study Week“ intends to discuss the topic of globalisation and de-globalisation in a long historical perspective. In essence, the aim is to show to what extent urban and regional action spaces have changed in the wake of globalisation and what interactions can be detected in this development. This corresponds to a change in historical research, which today no longer studies the global transfer of people, goods, ideas and social practices in general, but rather focuses on distinct places or spaces.

The Study Week will discuss the effects of globalisation and de-globalisation on the basis of selected major cities and regions around the world.

The organizers hope to attract the interest of PhD students or postdocs (thesis submitted not after Sept. 2019) wishing to simply actively attend the conference. For this reason, the Italian-German Historical Institute can offer 10 bursaries covering travel costs (up to 200 euros) plus catering and accommodation during the conference.

Please send your applications, consisting of a short CV (maximum 500 words) and a motivation letter (maximum 500 words) to the following email address segreteria.isig@fbk.eu by August 22, 2022.
For further information or enquires please contact Elisabetta Lopane at segreteria.isig@fbk.eu.

Organizing committee
Christoph Cornelißen / Claudio Ferlan (Trento), Thomas Großbölting / Kirsten Heinsohn (Hamburg)



Wednesday, 12 October 2022

14.30 p.m.
Welcome and Introduction

  • Christoph Cornelißen / Thomas Großbölting: Welcome
  • Christoph Cornelißen: Introduction


  • Roland Wenzelhuemer (München): Interconnectivities/Disconnectivities

Section 1 - Space and (De-)globalization
Chair: Massimo Rospocher (Trento)


  • Sandra Toffolo (Trento): Renaissance Venice as a global city: The Serenissima’s role as point of embarkation for Jerusalem pilgrims
  • Laura Di Fiore (Napoli): The Mediterranean World – Globalisation and De-globalisation in the 19th Century?


  • Christoph Strupp (Hamburg): Hamburg and Other Harbour Cities – The Rise and Decline of Global Harbour Cities
  • Monica Rüthers (Hamburg): Moscow – A Global City in the Cold War and After



Thursday, 13 October 2022


  • Francesco Boldizzoni (Trondheim): Capitalism and (De-)Globalisation: the Role of Prophecies

Section 2 - Markets and Connectivities: Cities and Regions
Chair: Katia Occhi (Trento)


  • Federica Morelli (Torino): Buenos Aires - The Rise and Fall of Global Exchange
  • Clemens Zimmermann (Saarbrücken): Cities in the Age of Industrialization/De-industrialization


  • Helen Wagner (Erlangen): The Ruhr Area - Economic Structural Transformation and Heritage Questions
  • General Discussion


  • Marco Meriggi (Napoli): A Global Bourgeoisie – Does It Exist? (Naples as an Example)

Section 3 – Society
Chair: Maurizio Cau (Trento)


  • Christiane Reinecke (Flensburg): French and German Banlieues – Ethnicity in Global Cities  
  • Renato Camurri (Verona): San Francisco - Exile and Globalization of Academic Environment


  • Christoph Marx (Essen): Kapstadt /Johannesburg – African Mega-Cities and the Global Labour Market
  • General Discussion

Evening Lecture

  • Marcus Gräser (Linz): American World's Fairs in a Divided and (Dis)Connected World: Chicago's “Century of Progress” (1933/34) and New York’s “World of Tomorrow” (1939/40)


Friday, 14 October 2022


  • Thomas Großbölting (Hamburg): Plural Christianities and Other Confessions in a Global World

Section 4 – Religion
Chair: Cecilia Nubola (Trento)


  • Claudio Ferlan (Trento): Rome - The Society of Jesus as a Key Global Religious Player
  • Roberto Mazza (Chicago): Jerusalem - The Coexistence of Three Global Religions


  • Martin Papenheim (Bochum): Poona – The Global Dimension of New Age Religions
  • Final Discussion


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