Book Launch

Digital Book Launch „Apartheid and Anti-Apartheid in Western Europe“

Digital Book Launch

„Apartheid and Anti-Apartheid in Western Europe“

3. June 2021, 6.30-8.00 p.m. (UTC/GMT+2)

The book launch will be digital.
The link to the recording of the event:

How have Western European countries responded and been influenced by the apartheid system in South Africa? The debate surrounding apartheid in South Africa underwent a shift in the second half of the 20th century, with long held positive, racist European opinions of white South Africans slowly declining since decolonisation in the 1960s, and the increase in the importance of human rights in international politics. While previous studies have approached this question in the context of national histories, more or less detached from each other, the edited collection presented in this digital book launch offers a broader insight into the transnational and entangled histories of Western European and South African societies.

Knud Andresen (Research Center for Contemporary History in Hamburg, FZH) and Detlef Siegfried (University of Copenhagen) will start with a short introduction to the edited collection. Afterwards, Saul Dubow (University of Cambridge), Sebastian Justke (Research Center for Contemporary History in Hamburg, FZH) and Tal Zalmanovich (University of Haifa) will discuss the results. The event will be moderated by Amanda Hammar (University of Copenhagen).

Knud Andresen, Sebastian Justke and Detlef Siegfried (Eds.) Apartheid and Anti-Apartheid in Western Europe


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